Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Answer the Phone

Answer the phone, because you never know why someone is calling.

Have you ever been so busy that when the phone rings you think, “ I don’t feel like talking right now” and you ignore the call, I just want to say, “answer it”.

I recall one evening when I was ready to call it a night when the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and thought do I really want to answer? Yes I did answer it, and I thank God for tapping me on my shoulder and saying “pick it up my daughter, she really needs you”. I remember how anxious my friend was, and how she kept apoligizing for calling so late, she mentioned that her pastor wasn’t available that night to help. All I could think was how can I be any help to her…I’m not a pastor I can’t do anything I pastor would do.. and then she finally said, “ I need someone to pray with me, Gladys and you are the only other person I knew would pray with me”. I almost cried of shame because I did not want to answer the phone.

This was the first time I’ve ever been called to pray for anyone; sure in my bible class we pray for many, I’ve had friends and family say “pray for me” but this is the first time someone has thought of me as being the one to help lead them in prayer.

What I want to share most from this is, please answer your phone, especially when you don’t think you should.

I sit here humbled by this experience and say, “ Thank you God for teaching me yet another lesson”.

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