Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wake Up Your Bibles

As I sit here reading and studying my devotional I remember a conversation I had with my nephew a few days ago. It goes something like this.

My six year old nephew asks, “Titi, where is my bible?” I said to him that I had placed it back in the box and put it away. He looked at me and said, “you mean it is sleeping?” I looked at him puzzled and replied, “no”. He walked away and came back a few minutes later and said, “Titi can I please wake up my bible now?” so I went into my room and retrieved his bible. He grabbed it from my hand and smiled and started dancing for joy because his bible was awake. This made me think, how often do we really open our bibles and study his word? Are our bibles sleeping more than it should? So I say to all non-Christians and Christians a like let us wake up our bibles and rejoice for our God has given us a precious book that we can live by. If ever you are in a time in your life that you think there is no answer, “Just wake up your Bibles”, and your answer will come. Praise God for his grace and mercy.

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